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Found 38 result(s) for Platform "amiga"
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I dette lærespillet tar du rollen som enten Rødhette eller Ulven i en interaktiv fortelling om det klassiske eventyret. Som…
Published: 20.Dec 2016En ond trollmann ved navn Thanathos har tatt prinsessen Lucanna. Thanathos har selvfølgelig også onde planer, som for eksempel å…
Published: 17.Dec 2016Året er 1999 og verden lever i fred helt til Blardax Maldrear, hersker over Styx-emperiet, finner ut at han skal…
Published: 19.Dec 2018I Obitus styrer du Wil Mason som har blitt sendt til fantasilandet Middlemere. Han må finne ut hvordan han kom…
Published: 16.Dec 2018En prins, slaktet på slagmarkene i Shadowlands, finner ut at hans sjel lever videre og lar han kontrollere andre! I…
Published: 17.Dec 2018Oppfølgeren til Bubble Bobble lar deg kontrollere de små kidsa Bub og Bob som viste seg å ikke være dinosaurer…
Published: 21.Dec 2018Strandet på en ikke så øde øy må du hjelpe Puggsy; en oransje raring, som har fått romskipet sitt frastjålet.…
Published: 14.Dec 2019In this game you are trapped in Netherworld. With your space ship you have to make your way through different…
Published: 17.Jan 2020The second computer game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe created by Games Workshop, adapted from the 1989 board game…
Published: 19.Dec 2020A side-scrolling platformer with plenty of action, bizarre enemies and navigational puzzles as well. You control Aarbron, abducted as a…
Published: 16.Dec 2020A solid PC conversion of Millennium's 1991 Amiga hit James Pond 2: Codename RoboCod. RoboCod is a fantastic, colorful platform…
Published: 6.Dec 2013Langt i fremtiden pågår det et livstruende slag mellom to aksemakter: The Alliance of Sentient Milleu, og Ur-Quan Hierarchy of…
Published: 10.Dec 2007Take the helm as both a captain and the owner of a transport company. Guide your fleet to safety through…
Published: 31.Mar 2021Based upon the Hanna-Barbera TV-series from the 90s, we join the Jetsons family in their attempt to escape Dr. Spacely…
Published: 9.Apr 2021Hit blocks with your paddle in space. An iconic classic amongst games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong.
Published: 4.Dec 2008If making an artificial intelligence with knowledge from the future sounds like a good idea, Baron Fortesque wants a word.…
Published: 10.Jul 2021The world of Volfied is under attack from alien invaders. With the help of the space ship Monotros your objective…
Published: 1.Aug 2021Jump behind the wheel in one of three high performance Lotus Sports cars, the Elan, the M200 or the Esprit…
Published: 7.Mar 2021Feel like playing with fire in the sky, quite literally? Manage your own fleet of zeppelins and ferry passengers around…
Published: 27.Jul 2021In the distant future, mankind has settled on a remote planet. You, the newly appointed Colony Administrator, are tasked of…
Published: 16.Dec 2021