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Found 391 result(s) for Year "1992"

Showing page 1 of 20

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Gobliiins (1992)
Adventure Point & Click Puzzle Humor

Kongen har blitt forhekset! Det er opp til tre små goblins om å finne en måte å løse opp i…

Published: 6.Oct 2005
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Lure of the Temptress (1992)
Adventure Point & Click Puzzle

The medieval town of Turnvale has fallen into the hands of the evil sorceress Selena. You control Diermot in this…

Published: 14.Nov 2005
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Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)
Adventure Point & Click Puzzle

Adventure point 'n click game where you play as the famous Indiana Jones in the hunt for an artifact that…

Published: 18.Nov 2005
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Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon (1992)
Adventure Point & Click Puzzle Humor

Prinsen i kongeriket har blitt kidnappet av en demon og det er denne gangen opp to goblins, Fingus og Winkle,…

Published: 3.Dec 2005
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The Incredible Machine (1992)
Puzzle Educational

Solve physic challenges and logic problems by creating Rube Goldberg-like machines involving basketballs, mice in cages, dynamite, tennis balls and…

Published: 12.Dec 2005
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Alone in the Dark (1992)
Action Adventure Horror

Designated as one of the very first survival horror games, this polygon based game inspired by the works of H.…

Published: 3.Mar 2006
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Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (1992)
RPG Action

Du er fanget i en undergrunnslabyrint og må kjempe deg gjennom mange verdener for å komme ut i dette rollespillet.

Published: 11.Dec 2006
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Ugh! (1992)

Logistics and common transportation was not a thing in the stone ages. Therefore Ugh has resorted to doing something about…

Published: 18.Feb 2007
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Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (1992)
Strategy (real time)

Ansett som bestefar av RTS-sjangeren og prisgitt for en revolusjonerende ny måte å presentere sanntidsstrategi på.

Published: 1.Apr 2007
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The Legend of Kyrandia (1992)
Adventure Puzzle Humor Point & Click

Nok en eventyrgodbit fra de glade DOS-dager. I Westwoods første spill i Kyrandia-triologien møter vi en ond hoffnarr ved navn…

Published: 20.Jun 2007
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Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
FPS World War II

Take the role as B.J Blazkowicz, an allied spy, infiltrating Nazi headquarters in order to stop the German warmachine in…

Published: 2.Dec 2007
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Star Control II (1992)
Action Strategy (real time) Sci-fi

I 1991 gav Accolade ut Star Control 1 til stor fryd for mange. Knapt et år senere overgikk de seg…

Published: 13.Dec 2007
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The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of The Serrated Scalpel (1992)
Adventure Puzzle

Jack the Ripper er på fære og det er opp til Sherlock og Watson å komme til bunns i mordmysteriet…

Published: 24.Mar 2008
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Curse of Enchantia (1992)
Adventure Point & Click Puzzle

Evil is brewing Witch style in the fantasy land of Enchantia! The witch's latest invention is a potion of youth…

Published: 15.Jun 2008
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Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure: Forbidden Planet Part 1 of 3 (1992)

Cosmo er strandet på en fremmed planet og du må hjelpe han å finne tilbake til romskipet sitt i denne…

Published: 27.Jun 2008
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Jill of the Jungle (1992)
Action Platform

En plattformer hvor vi møter Jill som må hoppe, samle nøkler og overkomme fiender i tre forskjellige kapitler: "Jill of…

Published: 6.Nov 2008
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Comanche: Maximum Overkill (1992)

Helicopter simulator.

Published: 16.Dec 2008
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Dyna Blaster (1992)
Action Arcade

Rescue loved ones and get out of tight spots in the only sure-fire way this dude knows; bombs! The range…

Published: 6.Feb 2009
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Brix 1 & Brix 2: Deluxe (1992)
Strategy (real time) Puzzle

Match various geometrical shapes and work against the clock through a wide variety of levels and challenges. Sounds simple but…

Published: 11.Feb 2009
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Legend of Myra (1992)

Du husker kanskje Rockford, han graveglade fyren fra Boulderdash? En real hit tilbake på tidlig 80-tall. Denne typen spill har…

Published: 13.Mar 2009
1 - 20 of 391