Game cover for Super Scope 6
Release year
Also known as
  • Nintendo Scope 6

    Europe - Game name in Europe

Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Take aim and fire! A whole library of Super Scope games in one cartridge scores a bull's-eye!With 6 games included, Super Scope puts you behind the sight of the most advanced game firing device ever developed for any video game system. Fire from any position - sitting or standing from virtually anywhere in the room! Super Scope is cordless to provide maximum agility and movement.Infra-red technology allows you pinpoint accuracy! The shoulder mount and responsive controls guarantee a sure and steady aim. The sight is easily adjusted for right or left handed game play.Super Scope adds a new dimension to the fun you get from your Super Nintendo Entertainment System. And, with 6 exciting new games included, you'll be playing in minutes!

A puzzle game both developed and published by Nintendo. It was released in 1993 for the SNES. Supports single player only. Also known as Nintendo Scope 6 in Europe.

Published: 02.04 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
Introduction continued
Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
Main menu
Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
In-game gameplay continued
Game screenshot of Super Scope 6
In-game gameplay extended

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