Game cover for Radical Rex
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Come hang with Radical Rex. He's the raddest, baddest fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus ever to shred prehistoric pavement! This badboy-on-wheels is out to save the dinosaur race.Check Rex thrashin' on his board, sportin' his flame-breath, bustin' out with killer jump-kicks, swingin' on vines and blastin' out screen-shaking roars. Excellent!Slam through ten wild levels of jammin' jungles, freaked-out forests, haunted dino-graveyards, piranha-infested underwater caverns -- and inside a giant dinosaur!Rex keeps you groovin' while you keep him movin' past twenty of the meanest prehistoric nasties to rock his dino-world. No sweat for Rex -- 'cuz he's too hip to be extinct!

Developed by Laser Beam Entertainment and published by Activision, Radical Rex is action game that was released in 1994 for the SNES. Supports up to 2 players.

Published: 25.03 2023 by Coreus


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