Clay Fighter 2: Judgment Clay

Clay Fighter 2: Judgment Clay

Game cover for Clay Fighter 2: Judgment Clay
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

It's ROUND 2 FOR Clay Fighter.Is It a M E L T D O W N for Bad Mr. Frosty or Nasta La Vista, Bunny?Bad Mister Frosty is buffed up and faster than greased lighting. This surly snowman has mayhem on his mind ... but there's some bunny new in town with a hare-trigger. You can bet the fur will fly as this wild rabiit punches on Bad Mister Frosty. Could there be a new top bunny in town, or will he get his cottontail kicked?Clay Fighter 2 is juiced up with 24 MEGS or speed and power, so the action is blazin' hot. It's got twice the clay animation, six new characters and all new moves. With awesome special attacks, and a ringside announcer calling the bout. C2: Judgement Clay is a total knockout! New characters join Bad Mister Frosty and the Blob; Hoppy (the bad bunny), Kan Goo, Nana Man, Octohead, GooGoo, and a slew of others Over twice the clay animation of the first game 6 different tournament types New Super Attacks! Faster game play - with plenty of hidden moves and surprises New combat engine for better performance and handling - no cheese! New and improved clay modeling throughout 24 megs of clean, fun fighting (still no blood and guts)

Released in 1995 for the SNES. It's both developed and published by Interplay Entertainmentand supports up to 2 players.

Published: 25.02 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Clay Fighter 2: Judgment Clay
Game boot-up screen

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