The Super Aquatic Games Starring The Aquabats

The Super Aquatic Games Starring The Aquabats

Game cover for The Super Aquatic Games Starring The Aquabats
Release year
Also known as
  • James Pond's Crazy Sports

    Europe - Game name in Europe

Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Get Ready... Get Set... Get Wet!Perilous missions, wicked villains, and gorgeous mermaids make up the everyday life of an Underwater Agent. But even a top Fish operative needs an occasional break from the undersea grottos of international intrigue!Fish agents are no wet blankets when it comes to leisure time. They'd rather hook onto some fun, furious action than lie in the sun like a bunch of beached whales. That's why they started the Super Aquatic Games - 8 Competitive Events, a Bonus Event, and a Secret Special Event that really separates the men from the minnows!So start pumping those gills and aim for the Fin-ish Line - it's time to go for the gold (fish)!

Released in 1993 for the SNES. It's developed by Millennium Interactive and published by Seika Corporationand supports up to 4 players. Also known as James Pond's Crazy Sports in Europe.

Published: 02.04 2023 by Coreus


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