Game cover for Space Ace
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Life as a space hero can be pretty miserable sometimes. Like now, for instance. The evil Commander Borf has blasted you with his Infanto Ray and turned you into a little kid, captured your gal, Kimmy, and is threatening to conquer the Earth. On top of all that, your name is Dexter.Your mission? Rescue the girl, save the world, run the bad guy out of the galaxy, and regain your manhood.Now all of the extraterrestrial action of the smash-hit arcade game comes to your Super NES with 14 wacky and challenging levels of intergalactic mayhem! Over 50 video sequences from the original game put you in the action!!

Space Ace was released in 1994 for the SNES, developed by Entertainment International and published by Absolute Entertainment. Supports single player only.

Published: 02.04 2023 by Coreus


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