Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans

Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans

Game cover for Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

There's never been a game like this before. Sküljagger combines a high-powered action game with a clue-filled story to create the biggest 16-bit experience ever!THE GAME: Get ready for the eye-popping graphics and innovative gameplay of 21 main maps and over 50 hidden maps.It's all-out war as you fight savage Kiltish troops, battle wild Westican bladebacks, explore the ancient Lost City of Urnum, and bring the merciless Captain Skuljagger to his knees.THE BOOK: The 80 page book-crammed with amazing illustrations-tells the saga of a Westican rebel named Storm Jaxon, and his battle to free his island nation from the cruel rule of Captain Sküljagger.When Storm steals Sküljagger's sword, he sparks a massive revolution against the Captain's fearsome Kiltish Army. And if you think Sküljagger's going to take this revolution lying down, then maybe you've forgotten how hacked-off a maniacal Kiltish despot can get.The book's also jam-packed with hidden clues-if you can figure them out, they'll help you find tons of hidden, secret things in the game.Ground-breaking. Challenging. Awesome. Sküljagger has everything you're looking for in a game!

Released in 1992 for the SNES. It's developed by Realtime Associates and published by American Softworksand supports up to 2 players.

Published: 02.04 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
Game screenshot of Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
Introduction continued
Game screenshot of Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
In-game gameplay continued
Game screenshot of Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
In-game gameplay extended

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