Game cover for Metal Morph
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

AMBUSHED!The last thing you remember, you'd just morphed your ship through the inter-dimensional Hypergate. Now, your body is being experimented on by aliens. Where's the Intrepid? It's coming back to you. Your ship was ambushed and its components spread across the alien galaxy.You see that these strange creatures are obviously very intelligent and very aggressive. If they unlock your secret of MetalMorphosis, they will be able to cross through Hypergate, putting the home planet, Earth, in serious danger. You know what you must do.You've gotta morph your ship into new configurations to do battle. You've gotta jump, shoot and morph your body through alien space stations and planets. You've gotta find hidden areas through pipelines, encounter force fields, moving platforms and conveyor belts. You'll need tons of powerups, and you'll find them.You've got one desperately slim chance to warn Earth. Get morphing!

Metal Morph was released in 1994 for the SNES, developed by Origin Systems and published by FCI. Supports single player only.

Published: 18.03 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Metal Morph
Game screenshot of Metal Morph
Introduction continued
Game screenshot of Metal Morph
Main menu
Game screenshot of Metal Morph
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Metal Morph
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Metal Morph
In-game gameplay continued
Game screenshot of Metal Morph
In-game gameplay extended

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