Game cover for Faceball 2000
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Virtual Reality for your Super NES!Welcome to the exciting new world of FaceBall 2000, where 3D graphics, first person perspective and 360° maneuverability make you feel like you're inside your video game! What you see is where you are, as you team up, compete with a friend or play alone against computer-controlled opponents.Transport yourself inside the walls of CyberZone, where you'll be surrounded by menacing enemies lurking in a series of treacherous mazes. Or, enter the Arena where " Have a Nice Day" takes on a whole new meaning in fast-paced rounds of high-tech combat.Wherever you go in FaceBall 2000, it's your chance to wipe the smiles off those annoying happy faces - and maybe a few of your friends - once and for all!

Released in 1992 for the SNES. It's developed by Xanth Software and published by Bullet-Proof Softwareand supports up to 2 players at the same time.

Published: 04.03 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Faceball 2000
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Faceball 2000
Game screenshot of Faceball 2000
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Faceball 2000
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Faceball 2000
In-game gameplay continued
Game screenshot of Faceball 2000
In-game gameplay extended

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