Game cover for Cutthroat Island
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Sharpen your long swords for the ultimate high seas battle! In plundering two-player action, team up as Morgan and Shaw to uncover a treasure trove of priceless gems and gold bullion! Battle bloodthirsty pirates with knives, pistols and flaming torches! Chart your course through the treacherous locales, but think twice before you leave - a new world may await upon your return! And remember... dead men tell no tales on Cutthroat Island!

Cutthroat Island was released in 1996 for the SNES, developed by Software Creations (UK) and published by Acclaim Entertainment. Supports up to 2 players at the same time.

Published: 25.02 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Cutthroat Island
Game screenshot of Cutthroat Island
Introduction continued
Game screenshot of Cutthroat Island
Main menu
Game screenshot of Cutthroat Island
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Cutthroat Island
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Cutthroat Island
In-game gameplay continued
Game screenshot of Cutthroat Island
In-game gameplay extended

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