Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest

Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest

Game cover for Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

It's a groove to be on the move. But, if you're Chester Cheetah, "chill is the pill." So, when you are spotted in "Not-So-Great Falls, Montana," "Unclear-watter, Florida," and "Little Shock Arkansas" you follow the "law of the paw," and run for the fun. Pity, these cities can't spot a cat that knows where it's at. They want to bring you down in their town. Now, follow your feet and take to the street. It's cool to make the rules. "Wild, Wild Quest" features a full 8 Meg, 16 bit platform of adventure. Cool characters and wild-style graphics make this trip a "Wild, Wild Quest" of the best! For one player.

Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest is both developed and published by Kaneko and supports single player only. Released in 1994 for the SNES.

Published: 25.02 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
Game screenshot of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
Introduction continued
Game screenshot of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
In-game gameplay continued
Game screenshot of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
In-game gameplay extended

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