Game cover for Sunman
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

An action platform game both developed Sunsoft, but never released. Sunman was also never announced, which is rare for games of this era. The game was originally planned to release in 1992.

Similar to Sunsoft's Batman games, you can run, punch, fly and shoot laser from your eyes - all common things for super heroes. Features some levels where the platforming is mixed up with some sidescrolling action. The game features five worlds with one to four areas in each along with a boss.

Published: 14.05 2022 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Sunman
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Sunman
Game screenshot of Sunman
Main menu
Game screenshot of Sunman
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Sunman
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Sunman
In-game gameplay continued

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