Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu

Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu

Game cover for Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
Release year
Also known as
  • 黒鉄ヒロシの予想大好き!勝馬伝説

    Japan - Alternate game name in Japan

Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu is a licensed action game released in 1990 for the NES, both developed and published by Nichibutsu. Also known as 黒鉄ヒロシの予想大好き!勝馬伝説 in Japan.

Published: 14.04 2022 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
Game screenshot of Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
Main menu
Game screenshot of Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
In-game gameplay continued

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