Game cover for James Bond Jr
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

With a name like Bond, you know that intense action and daring adventure are here! Join James Bond Jr. on several missions to root out and destroy the evil forces of S.C.U.M.. Criss-cross the globe as you battle the evil Dr. Derange in Central America and the nefarious Maximillion Cortex in the shadowy canals of Venice!All the while collect fabulous items that enhance pour personal weapons into an unstoppable arsenal! Take on the scores of enemy jets, missile launchers and robotic devices designed to end your adventures - Permanently. Do you have what it takes to fight pour wag to the deadly confrontation with the S.C.U.M. Lord?

James Bond Jr was released in 1992 for the SNES, developed by Gray Matter and published by THQ. Supports single player only.

Published: 11.03 2023 by Coreus


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