Game cover for Illusion of Gaia
Release year
Also known as
  • Illusion of Time

    Europe - Game name in Europe

  • Gaia Gensōki

    Japan - Game name in Japan

Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Radiating an ominous light in its path, the Chaos Comet threatens the existence of the planet. Battles erupt and a tentative peace is returned to the lands. Danger lurks as the Chaos Comet orbits and dreadful beasts lie waiting.In the Age of Exploration a boy named Will is born. Tragedy strikes during an expedition to the Tower of Babel separating Will from his father. Telekinetic forces awaken as Will returns to South Cape. Armed with his transformation abilities of two great warriors, Will must save the planet.Gaia, Will's guiding spirit bestows magical powers and advice along his journey. With the help of his friends Will must battle relentless enemies and solve the puzzles of the ancient ruins. Patience and knowledge are essential to reunite this father and son.

Released in 1993 for the SNES, Illusion of Gaia is rpg game. It was developed by Quintet and published by Enix. Also known as Illusion of Time in Europe and Gaia Gensōki in Japan.

Published: 11.03 2023 by Coreus


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