Game cover for Fun 'n Games
Release year
Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Fun 'N Games brings out the Artist, the Musician, the Designer, even the Astronaut in your child! It's four fun activities full of creativity and imagination! Easy to understand Symbols and Help Screens make it super-simple to enjoy! No wonder Fun 'N Games received the Good Housekeeping Seal!PAINT - A palette of Colors, Patterns, Animated Objects and Special Effects are at your command! Sketch, Paint, Design your own Stamps and bring Coloring Book Scenes to life!MUSIC - 28 Sound Effects (including a zoo-full of animal sounds), 16 Instruments, 15 Rhythms and 3 Tempos that will bring out the maestro in any budding Mozart!STYLE - Combine, change and rearrange the Heads, Bodies and Legs of Crazy Critters. Then do your own Stylin' with a closet-full of Styles and Patterns!GAMES - While you're dreaming up your next masterpiece, Bob and Weave your Spacecraft through a Galaxy full of Aliens or Play Hide and Seek with an A-maze-ing Mouse!

A shooter game developed by Leland Interactive Media and published by Tradewest. It was released in 1994 for the SNES. Supports single player only.

Published: 04.03 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Fun 'n Games
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Fun 'n Games
Game screenshot of Fun 'n Games
Introduction continued
Game screenshot of Fun 'n Games
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Fun 'n Games
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Fun 'n Games
In-game gameplay continued

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