Game cover for Football Fury
Release year
Also known as
  • Ultimate Football

    Japan - Game name in Japan

Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

AT LAST USER-FRIENDLY FOOTBALL!Here's a football game with a difference: it's easy to learn! If you're tired of wading through long, complicated manuals and frustrated by complex controls, how about a game you can just sit down and play? FOOTBALL FURY puts you right into the action, with all the great strategy and play options of the real thing. Whether you're a rookie or a seasoned pro, if you like your football fast and furious... FOOTBALL FURY is your game!

Both developed and published by American Sammy, Football Fury is simulation and sports game that was released in 1992 for the SNES. Supports up to 2 players at the same time. Also known as Ultimate Football in Japan.

Published: 04.03 2023 by Coreus


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