Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!

Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!

Game cover for Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
Release year
Also known as
  • Beethoven's 2nd

    Europe - Game name in Europe

Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

AT LAST, A GAME THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN HOWL OVER!Everyone's favorite St. Bernard has now got a family of his own! But being proud papa to four little pups sounds a lot easier than it really is - poor Beethoven's got his paws full! One minute the puppies are in the living room, the next they're... gone!Now you've got to help Beethoven find his kids before his sweetheart, Missy, discovers they're gone! Your search will take you all over town, through four worlds - with nothing but your keen canine sense of smell to sniff out your quarry. Filled with non-stop action, hilarious adventure and wild surprises, BEETHOVEN is one howling good time!

Released in 1993 for the SNES. It's developed by Riedel Software Productions and published by Hi Tech Expressionsand supports single player only. Also known as Beethoven's 2nd in Europe.

Published: 18.02 2023 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
Game boot-up screen
Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
Introduction continued
Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
Main menu
Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
Introductory gameplay
Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
In-game gameplay
Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
In-game gameplay continued
Game screenshot of Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
In-game gameplay extended

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