Game cover for Armadillo
Release year
Also known as
  • アルマジロ

    Japan - Alternate game name in Japan

Age rating
7 and above
Game mode(s)
No modes defined

Armadillo follows the story of Billy the Shell who has to rescue his girlfriend Sheryl from the evil Black Bean Gang. The world maps are mostly desert and jungle themed with various routes to traverse and selectable levels in each world - drawing inspirations from the gold standard of the time; Super Mario Bros. 3.

True to the name of the game, Billy can turn into an armadillo, a ball like creature, which is invulnerable to enemies, but quite difficult to control. Movement is much better when Billy is back to human form, but dies from a single hit. Outside of this, the game is otherwise a standard platformer. Developed by AIM and published by IGS. Also known as アルマジロ in Japan.

Published: 20.03 2022 by Coreus

Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)
Game screenshot of Armadillo
Armadillo (NES, 1991)

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